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Fludia In brief

  • Leader in plug&play IoT solutions for Energy Monitoring
  • In-house design of innovative solutions with a focus on IoT and Edge Computing algorithms
  • Patented technologies for optical reading and submetering
  • Operational background in the Energy Service Industry

Discover our video presentation of Fludia activity and product. It will give you an overview of some of our Plug&Play Energy Monitoring solutions.

Made in France

At Fludia, “Made in France” means something because using French know-how is part of our commitments.

All our products are designed and manufactured in France: 

  • conception, general design and firmware in our offices near Paris
  • electronic cards development by our partner INES (Electronic Design House) based in Maine-et-Loire
  • electronic cards manufacturing by our partner TME (EMS) based in Mayenne

2021 – The French Fab

Fludia joins the best of French industry by joining the FRENCH FAB community.

Proud of our Made In France know-how, we are now part of this collective whose values ​​and commitments we share such as innovation, modernization and adaptation. We are very happy to participate and to share the values ​​of this collective which advocates excellence, innovation and sustainability of French industry. Find us on entreprise/fludia/

French Fab, what is it? Launched in 2017 by Bruno LEMAIRE, the French Fab is the banner of French industry on the move. It is a label that unites the French industry family and strengthens the promotion of French industry abroad.

To find out more about the French Fab / To find out more about the French Tech

2018-2021 – FUSINI Project

The FUSINI project (FUSion of Non-Intrusive Indicators) consists of developing an embedded system for merging multifluid energy data. The goal is to achieve local data analytics using a combination of local data (Linky, Gaspar, traditional meters, plug & play mini-sensors) and to generate high-value content, directly usable by Smart Monitoring solutions.

One aim is therefore to produce highly enriched multifluid contents for residential consumers, in order to create a greater commitment.

This project is accompanied by ADEME as part of the Innovation Competition from the Investments for the Future program.

2016-2018 – EFFIGINI Project

EFFIGINIFludia’s non-intrusive energy efficiency sector project, has been nominated as one of the winners of the PME Initiative (IPME) -“Intelligent Electrical Systems” from the Investments in the Future Program managed by ADEME

Enabling very simple monitoring of electricity consumption in housing and catering establishments, EFFIGINI involves the implementation of an informative and inexpensive solution for the automatic collection and analysis of electricity consumption flows.

The plug & play solution interfaces the new Sigfox and Lora IoT networks with existing electricity meters (Linky or other older meters) and integrates an ergonomic and interactive consumption analysis system with the option of customization and feedback generation.

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Our customers and partners

Over 100 partners have already trusted our products, integrating them into their audit solutions, diagnostic or remote monitoring of energy consumption.

  • Energy suppliers
  • Integrators for Smart Home & Smart building solutions
  • Energy solutions provider / ESCO
  • Integrators of photovoltaic systems
  • Engineering and control office
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